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A system validation review meeting was held to discuss achieved milestones and demonstrated different use cases. The meeting’s program combined the following topics:

Date: 21 and 22 April, 2022

8:50-9:00Session IntroductionSistrade (TL)João Mourinho
9:00-10:50Session 1: Aerospace UC Demonstrator Architecture Overview (10m) Integration testing and validation (20m) Demonstration Scenario (10m) Use-Case Performance (25m) Misuse-Case Performance (25m) Feedback Collection (20m)AirbusMartin Praddaude
10:50-11:00Coffee Break  
11:00-12:50Session 2: Automotive UC Demonstrator Architecture Overview (10m) Integration testing and validation (20m) Demonstration Scenario (10m) Use-Case Performance (25m) Misuse-Case Performance (25m) Feedback Collection (20m)ContinentalSarah Syed-Winkler, Reda Yaich
12:50-14:00Lunch TimeSystem-X
14:00-15:50Session 3: Maritime UC Demonstrator Architecture Overview (10m) Integration testing and validation (20m) Demonstration Scenario (10m) Use-Case Performance (25m) Misuse-Case Performance (25m) Feedback Collection (20m)NavalMarc Lamotte, Reda Yaich
15:50-16:00Coffee Break  
16:00-17:50Session 4: Collaborative UC Demonstrator Architecture Overview (10m) Integration testing and validation (20m) Demonstration Scenario (10m) Use-Case Performance (25m) Misuse-Case Performance (25m) Feedback Collection (20m)PAL RoboticsNarcis Baños, Isabel Praça, Tiago Dias, Benjamin Coste
17:50-19:00Closing Remarks and Open DiscussionAirbusAdrien Bécue

Highlights from the meetings:

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