SeCoIIA LogoSeCoIIA aims at securing digital transition of manufacturing industry towards more connected, collaborative, flexible and automated production techniques. It fosters user-driven application cases from aeronautics, automotive and naval construction sectors. Collaboration is considered from Organization to Organization (O2O), but also from Machine to Machine (M2M), Machine to Human (M2H) and Human to Human (H2H) perspectives. Enhanced process monitoring, optimization and control is achieved by intelligent use digital twin technology, Industrial IoT, Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg), collaborative robotics and Industrial AI. The collaborative approach triggers a virtuous cycle of growth and innovation, irrigating the full value chain, from very large to very small actors. Now reaching this step requires due diligence to security implications. The transition from hierarchized supply chains to collaborative networks of smart factories opens an attack surface so far never reached. Manufacturing operators are untrained to the manipulation of vulnerable cyber-physical assets. The deployment of smart sensors over distributed shop floors requires time sensitive communication security measures. Enhanced collaboration on manufacturing activities may not safely apply without collaborative security monitoring and incident response. Last but not least, the increased reliance on machine-learning based decision making sets a technical challenge in terms of security assurance and a legal challenge in terms of accountability and law enforcement. These are the challenges that SeCoIIA intends to address through the development of 12 key capabilities which will be assessed in various configurations through 3 ambitious demonstration campaigns lead by pilot users.


Secure the adoption of smart collaborative manufacturing techniques by European Transport Systems Manufacturing Industries

Identify and prevent threats to collaborative manufacturing environments, build, sustain and exchange smart OT security knowledge and know-how

Create trust across smart manufacturing value chain, secure access to dynamic collaborative Cloud Manufacturing (CMfg) services

Detect and react in collaboration, improve OT intrusion detection accuracy, reduce decision time and response cost, improve coordination of safety and security teams

Empower and responsibilize key actors of the manufacturing value chain, secure machine decision making, adapt regulatory framework and enforce the law


IIoT deployment and collaborative robotics:

  • Real time data collection on roboshave, jigs and gap guns of Tablada, San Pablo and Cádiz plants
  • AI analytics for improved process monitoring, optimization and control
  • Involvement of collaborative robots to support human operators in drilling and riveting activities

Secure CMfg infrastructure
By 2030: 100 M vehicles will be in operation with up to 150 ECUs/vehicle.
Cryptographic keys will need to be kept secure all along vehicle lifetime by:

  • a secure cryptographic-keys injection, distribution and management
    system (accessible to OEMs, Suppliers, Tier X, repair shops)
  • a multi-cloud infrastructure enabling worldwide access to a unique, uniform, secure, dependable and scalable key management infrastructure

Secure sensitive manufacturing
Industrial robotic arm: laser cutting for metal ship hulls.

  • Access from the supplier to the customer for remote maintenance
  • Data extraction out of the factory
  • Secured Information Exchange Gateway and a monitoring solution
  • Smart detection agents and cyber monitoring
  • Detection/Reaction based AI

The involvement of collaborative robots, a more experimental use case, aims at reducing the share of manual activities of lower added value which at state of the art constitute 70% of manufacturing tasks still in the Aerospace domain, a little less in the Automotive and Maritime domains. Expected benefits of this industrial use case as a whole are: lead time reduction, waste reduction, and shop floor logistics cost reduction. The key challenge here is to secure the collaboration between humans and robots which should operate in non-segregated shop-floor spaces.